Posts Tagged With: Great Dragon of Water

Vajra, the Dragonblessed

Some individuals, known as Vajra by members of the En Khoda Theos Kirk, have the favor of the Great Elemental Dragons. The reasons for this favor are often unknown, as the goals and motives the Powers involved are often obscure and misunderstood. They can be found among all races, and even among the learned and the wise of the En Khoda Theos Kirk there is no agreement of the Vajra are born or made. There seems to be no requirement made upon the Vajra by the Great Elemental Dragons, or if there it is, it is unknown even to them. While Vajra are often found within the En Khoda Theos Kirk, there are some that follow the Old Faith and other religions – as well as the rare individual who has fallen to Dearth. These cursed individuals are often considered to be the greatest of enemies by the En Khoda Theos Kirk and they are hunted down ruthlessly.

Vajra of the Great Dragon of Air

Marked by the constant but faint breeze which accompanies them, Vajra of the Air invariable have hair in shades of white or silver, while their eyes are a brilliant, electric silver or rarely clear as crystal. They leave no scent in their passage, though the breezes which surround them mirror their moods in temperature and intensity.

  • Ability Score Increase – They have a bonus of +1 to Dexterity.
  • Spiritspeaker – All Vajra can speak El’aum, the language of elementals and the world of life and growing things.
  • Innate Resistance – Missile Weapons, Thunder
  • Unending Breath – The Vajra of the Air never run out of breath, sustained by their Great Dragon even when incapacitated or unconscious.
  • Innate Cantrips (Constitution) – Gust, Message, and Thunderclap
  • Innate Spells (Constitution) – Dust Devil, Levitate. Innate Spells may be cast once and are then restored after a Short or Long Rest. They also count as memorized spells for the Vajra, and spell slots (if any) may expended for further uses as desired.
  • Windlords – At 11th level, a Vajra of the Air may add Investiture of Wind to their Innate spells.

Vajra of the Great Dragon of the Earth

Marked by the dust that constantly sloughs off them which accompanies them, Vajra of the Earth invariable have hair in shades of brown or bronze, while their eyes are a brilliant, glowing topaz or bronze. For some, their skin takes on a rough, rocky texture in shades of stone. They smell of freshen turned earth and loam, though earth and stone leaves no sign of their passage.

  • Ability Score Increase – They have a bonus of +1 to Strength.
  • Spiritspeaker – All Vajra can speak El’aum, the language of elementals and the world of life and growing things.
  • Innate Resistance – Bludgeoning, Piercing, and Slashing Damage
  • Tremorsense – The Vajra of the Earth have Tremorsense out to the distance of 60 feet.
  • Innate Cantrips (Constitution) – Mold Earth, Magic Stones, and Resistance
  • Innate Spells (Constitution) – Maximillian’s Earthen Grasp, Spiderclimb. Innate Spells may be cast once and are then restored after a Short or Long Rest. They also count as memorized spells for the Vajra, and spell slots (if any) may expended for further uses as desired.
  • Stonelords – At 11th level, a Vajra of the Earth may add Investiture of Stone to their Innate spells.

Vajra of the Great Dragon of Fire

Marked by the constant but the smoke and steam which accompanies them, Vajra of the Flame invariable have hair in shades of red or copper, and their eyes are a brilliant, glowing ruby. For some, their skins takes on an ashen or blackened appearance. They often smell of various forms of smoke and fire.

  • Ability Score Increase – They have a bonus of +1 to Intelligence.
  • Spiritspeaker – All Vajra can speak El’aum, the language of elementals and the world of life and growing things.
  • Innate Resistance – Fire Damage
  • Darkvision – The Vajra of the Flame can see in dim light within 60 feet as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. Their ties to the Great Dragon of Fire make their Darkvision unusual: everything they see in darkness is in a shade of red.
  • Innate Cantrips (Constitution) – Control Flame, Create Bonfire, and Produce Flame
  • Innate Spells (Constitution) – Burning Hands, Pyrotechnics. Innate Spells may be cast once and are then restored after a Short or Long Rest. They also count as memorized spells for the Vajra, and spell slots (if any) may expended for further uses as desired.
  • Flamelords – At 11th level, a Vajra of the Flame may add Investiture of Flame to their Innate spells.

Vajra of the Great Dragon of Water

Marked by the constant but faint breeze which accompanies them, Vajra of the Waters invariable have hair in shades of blue or sapphire, while their eyes are a deep sapphire. Their skin is often dappled in glistening dew and they smell like a newly fallen rain or the aftermath of a storm.

  • Ability Score Increase – They have a bonus of +1 to Wisdom.
  • Spiritspeaker – All Vajra can speak El’aum, the language of elementals and the world of life and growing things.
  • Innate Resistance – Acid Damage
  • Seamaster – The Vajra of the Waters breath both air and water and cannot drown, and they have a Swimming speed equal to their normal movement speeds.
  • Innate Cantrips (Constitution) – Shape Water, Acid Splash, and Poison Spray
  • Innate Spells (Constitution) – Fog Cloud, Melf’s Acid Arrow. Innate Spells may be cast once and are then restored after a Short or Long Rest. They also count as memorized spells for the Vajra, and spell slots (if any) may expended for further uses as desired.
  • Waterlords – At 11th level, a Vajra of the Waters may add Investiture of Water to their Innate spells.

Rumors continue to persist that there are other Vajra that are blessed by the other Great Dragons, with similar though different abilities.

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The En Khoda Theos Kirk – Part One (5e)

Part Two

Also known as the Cult of the Elements or the Dancing Kirk (church), or the Kirk of the Four Great Elemental Dragons, the En Khoda Theos Kirk is the formal name for the religion or mystical philosophy that is focused individually upon the elements as they manifest through the Great Dragons of Earth, Fire, Water, and Air. It is the closest to formal worship or veneration or organized contemplation and study of the Great Gods (or at least a portion of them) that exists and is thought to be among the oldest of the organized religions, primarily practiced by the Dragonborn and the Warforged of the Iron Court but with a strong minority following of humans from Ith and Atlan. Human worship is loosely organized into a great congregation that is known as the Quatrefoil, while the Warforged have a highly organized and ruthlessly efficient organization known as the Svastika, that serves them as a state religion even if the analogy is a weak one.

There are five basic roles recognized within the religion of the En Khoda Theos Kirk; there are the Drakein (trans. “those who see clearly”), the common body of sworn and allied faithful who pursue the mysteries of the Great Dragons; the Maikoiran, the prophets; the Kenza, the warriors and champions, the Dorje, the priesthood; and the Vajra, the mystics – all of whom are devoted to the Great Dragons. Unlike other religions there is no formal pursuit of a status beyond that of the Drakein, there is only the Call of the Great Dragons, and the trials and process of moving deeper within the faith can be terrifying. Similarly, there is no real organizing authority within the religion and for the various authorities both secular and religious this is also of the most frustrating parts of dealing with the En Khoda Theos Kirk. Strange as those outside of the religion find it, Dorje-led Kirks, Kenzan Fighting Orders, solitary Vajran mystics, and Maikoiran secret societies all coexist and somehow manage to operate without much conflict – and this is the essence of the Quatrefoil, known also as the Dancing Kirk and the Union Stoicheion. For the Svastika, this is the state religion of the Iron Court, but again, more a philosophy than what most humans and other races think of as “religion”.

The Drakein are the gathering of the faithful in the greater congregation of the Kirk. While all of the Great Dragons are venerated, most faithful have one (or perhaps two) of the Great Dragons that are the most meaningful for them and that are granted the majority of their attention. The Drakein are taken from all walks of life – across social class and profession (Normal Worshippers).

The Maikoiran are the distinctly not a portion of the Dorje, the Kenza, or the Vajra – though many within those other groupings also followed this path for a time, or continue to follow it as a part of their service. They are dancing oracles, seers, and often tantrics who are viewed as touched by the Great Dragons, and are highly respected by the Drakein and others. The Maikoiran are organized into a bewildering series of secret societies and fellowships that provide support for themselves and Dancing Kirk as a whole (Bards, Clerics, Sorcerers, Warlocks).

The Kenza are the champions of the Dancing Kirk – lay brethren who are charged with the protection of the faithful and the guardianship of the various kirks and shrines. The Kenza are fierce and dedicated warriors who are associated with various fighting orders to whom they owe allegiance to. Common fighting orders include: The Thousand-Forged Dragons, The Storm Dancers, The Five-Fold Avalanche, and The Claws of the Dragons (Clerics, Fighters, Monks, Paladins, Rogues, Wizards).

Dorje serve the Great Dragons as a whole as part of the Quatrefoil, the Dancing Kirk. They serve as advisors and healers for their communities but only have formal authority within whatever kirk (temple) or vihara (monestary) they belong to. The two assemblages, kirk and vihara, are seen as distinctly different rules of conduct and behavior, but also as essentially co-equal and serving different purposes – kirks for the Quartrefoil and vihara for the individual Great Dragons. (Clerics).

Vajra are rare individuals who have been chosen and blessed one of the Great Elemental Dragons – they are generally seen as champions of that individual Great Dragon. They are often solitary in nature and wander looking for enlightenment and challenge, though a fair number tend to isolated shrines deep in the wilderness – a rare few even take up residence in an actual kirk and end up taking formal vows as a Dorje (Class Independant).

The Great Elemental Dragons

The Great Dragon of Earth and Metal: Also known as the Body Stoicheion, and often represents both stability and fertility.

  • Symbol / Color / Animal: Square or Rectangle / Brown / Stone Drake
  • Place of Worship: Underground or Stone-built Kirk or Vihara
  • Divine / Worshipper Alignment: True Neutral / Neutral (Any), Lawful (Any)
  • Common Manifestations: Finding a gem, a stone or gem shattering, earthquakes
  • Common Professions: Warriors, Smiths, Craftsmen, Midwives.

The Great Dragon of Air and Sky: Is known as the Breath Stoicheion, and represents the ideals of curiosity and intellect.

  • Symbol / Color / Animal: Downward Triangle / White / Storm Drake
  • Place of Worship: Open Air Kirk or Vihara
  • Divine/Worshipper Alignment: True Neutral / Neutral (Any), Chaotic (Any)
  • Common Manifestations: Whistling winds, still air, tornados
  • Common Professions: Sages, Sailors, Travelers, Wanderers.

The Great Dragon of Fire and Flames: Known as the Spirit Stoicheion, the Great Dragon of Fire represents both passion and consumption.

  • Symbol / Color / Animal: Upward Triangle / Red / Fire Drake
  • Place of Worship: Kirk or Vihara with Furnaces or Firepits
  • Divine / Worshipper Alignment: True Neutral / Neutral (Any), Chaotic (Any)
  • Common Manifestations: Fires flaring, fires dampening, explosions
  • Common Professions: Performers, Tantrics, Artists.

The Great Dragon of Water and Seas: Consider by the some the most fearsome, the Great Dragon of the Sea is also known as the Blood Stoicheion, and stands for both mystery and adaptability.

  • Symbol / Color / Animal : Circle / Blue / Sea Drake
  • Place of Worship: Kirk or Vihara with Springs, Pools, Fountains, etc.
  • Divine / Worshipper Alignment: True Neutral / Neutral (Any), Chaotic (Any)
  • Common Manifestations: Water going still, water running abnormally, whirlpools
  • Common Professions: Mages, Diplomats, Psychics.
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