Monthly Archives: May 2024

Plans within Plans

So, as I prep for the next game session the party is in an interesting spot. The Temple of Elemental Evil (TOEE) is very different adventure when you have a character possessed by a Demon Prince with a grudge that’s systemically leading the party deeper and deeper within and beating down any large doors in your way.

After exploring the upper floor of the TOEE proper, the party descended down stairs that they had discovered and exploring the empty corridors that were revealed. The demon Prince would rouse when confronted by occasional sealed and warded door and batter it down with a handful of strikes from the now-corrupted warhammer Vasara, with Iszh ever-ready to draw Blackrazor and hopefully deal with the threat once and for all. The resounding noise seemed to scare off any potential threats in the lower levels of the TOEE, and the party soon found themselves in a richly appointed chamber where an old and feeble crone on a jewel encrusted throne confronted a confused Favion/Demon Prince, and seemingly killed herself through a magical mishap. The party then began to explore a bit, with Fonkin trying to read the runes inscribed on the walls and tearing his eyes out before a falling unconscious. In the moments after, as the party dealing with that, they were attacked by a pair of minions (a Khazan assassin and a human mage) of the TOEE who caused much havoc (many were wounded by bolts of lightning, with Lucian nearly dying, and Devon being rendered unconscious by a psionic blast) until the opponants were slain. While recovering from that fight, and with no further attacks, the party removed the gems and jewels from the throne and then fled the bowels of the TOEE with their wounded companions.

But they cannot escape the feeling and growing knowledge that whatever was trapped in the depths of the TOEE has now been freed, so now they have both the possessed Favion and this new evil to contend with – plus whatever remains in the lower levels…

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